The company’s 22nd year will be filled with acts of political madness, fanciful flights involving cows, a bit of blarney, a sports superstar … and did we mention cows?
The Burning Coal Theatre Company has announced its upcoming 2018-2019 season consisting of four plays that will take audiences to all corners of the globe. First is David Hare’s American Political Drama Stuff Happens (October 10th- 28th, 2018). The play is an intimate look at the conversations and events leading up to the controversial US-led invasion of Iraq. Lillian White (Peter Pan & Wendy) will direct. Next is The Weir by Conor McPherson (Nov 29th -Dec 16th, 2018), a haunting play detailing the lives of five seemingly ordinary people on a single evening in a rural Irish pub. Third will be the world premiere of emerging playwright Hannah Benitez’ new work Ashe in Johannesburg (Jan 24th- Feb 10th, 2019) about the African American tennis superstar Arthur Ashe. Jerome Davis, Burning Coal’s artistic director, will direct. To close out the season the company will present Sue Townsend’s lyrical, feminist piece The Great Celestial Cow (Apr 11th- 28th, 2019), the story of an immigrant mother in India in the 1980s and her fateful journey towards self-awareness and self-sufficiency. Information about all plays can be found at or by calling 919.834.4001. Tickets go on sale for all four productions by July 15th, 2018. ABOUT THE SEASON Artistic Director Jerome Davis said “This season we’ll be taking a trip around the world, England, Ireland, South Africa, India … to remind ourselves of the rich diversity of peoples who inhabit our little rock, spinning around a sun in the great cosmos. It is a celebration of all cultures and, I am delighted to say, features our first commissioned play (about one of the great African American sports heroes of the 20thcentury, the magnificent Arthur Ashe), a reboot of a play we did very early in our history, a play that scrutinizes the political machinations that went into convincing a nation to go to war, a play with an all Indian cast. I’m as excited about this season as I’ve ever been. New things are cooking at Burning Coal!”
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